20 Dec

Git Repos Are Now Live

The longest-running inside joke among our team is “Git repos are now live.” It’s the title of an immense email chain started months ago that, even though we use GitHub and Dropbox and Google docs, refuses to die and inadvertently contains lots of documentation. (“Git repos” are GitHub repositories—spaces online where we store code and files.)

So, as we wrap up 2013, we got this little gift from team member Louis Cook, a graphic designer:

git repos

16 Dec

Civic Hacks 2013


Last Friday, team member Christopher Nies presented our project at Civic Hacks 2013, a showcase for the city’s civic hacking projects. Thanks to Technically Philly for the roundup (and putting us in the top 5). Chris, who specializes in Python, Arduino and Javascript (and also has a rad hobby making his own bags for cyclists), has been an integral part of the project and a great and enthusiastic spokesperson for civic hacking and the virtues of open source data.

If you are unsure about civic hacking, experience dizziness or sweating, or have a download that lasts for more than 8 hours, consult a doctor or visit the Code for Philly website. Be sure to check out some of the other innovative projects that are underway.

05 Dec

Re-branding: greenSTEM Network

greenSTEM logo sketch

Ever since we retired the Solar Sunflower name, we’ve been attempting to come up with a new handle for this project. Many pages and napkins have been scribbled with notes, drawings and words: green, schools, sensor, network, garden, STEM, system, soil, water, stormwater … nothing stuck.

Earlier this week, PWD aquatic biologist Jay Cruz dropped a piece of looseleaf paper on my desk (above); he came up with it while drawing with his daughter. It’s perfect: greenSTEM. We’re going with it, and we’re even going to use a modified version of the logo Jay drew, including the  CFL lightbulb—nice touch.